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71-605А #236

2 grudnia 2021 - Krasnoyarsk, Matrosova street. A long time ago the Matrosova street was an only street where trams and trolleybuses met each other together in Krasnoyarsk. But in mid-2000s the trolleybus line was closed, and Krasnoyarsk electric transit was isolated: trams worked only on the right coast, trolleybuses - on left. Luckily, in 2021 Spring was opened the trolleybus route 6, which works by autonomous move, and trams and trolleybuses again meets each other :)

ВМЗ-5298.01 #2022

1 grudnia 2021 - Krasnoyarsk, Weinbaum street. The 6th route serves by trolleybuses "Avangard" with autonomous moving.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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